Welcome back to Figure Fridays, where we discuss the latest reveals in a bite sized form so you can see what's new right at your finger tips. So sit back and relax while we go over the last reveals for 2022!
Starting off, Hot Toys has revealed images for their new Mace Windu and B2 Super Battle Droid for the star wars attack of the clones anniversary celebration! coming straight from the arena of Geonosis and right into your shelf or display case.
Pre orders are up at Sideshow now!

Next up, Hot Toys back at it again teasing some brand new figures. This time posting an image of Jake Sully. We're all sure that they'll be showing off some amazing new releases for Avatar 2: The Way of Water.

And last but not least, Revealed on Christmas day conveniently enough. NECA posted a teaser image of what could only be one thing, Krampus. This holiday terror is an excellent addition to any horror themed collection. Unless you're like me who would just buy it because he looks that cool. Whatever you do though don't open the Jack in the box.

And with that Figure Friday is now complete. We hope you enjoyed our short and sweet recap and hope to see you for our next Figure Friday next week (or year?) in 2023.